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Poor writing and listless action sequences are just some of the reasons why the latest attempt at rebooting Tomb Raider is doomed for failure. What’s sad is Alicia Vikander was an excellent choice to play Lara Croft, but her talents are wasted right from the start. Do we all need to sit and hear the tale once more of how Ms. Croft had a terrible childhood rife with daddy issues? Anyone who is excited about this release has some schema about the origins of this film, and when the narrative waste ⅔ of the film telling the same tale it’s nothing short of idiotic.

Tomb Raider

My only guess is screenwriter Geneva Robertson-Dworet wanted to showcase Croft’s humanity to the world. The film starts off with Vikander’s character getting in trouble with the law and subsequently being bailed out by an associate of her father’s (played by Kristen Scott Thomas). She urges Lara to come to terms with the fact that her father is likely dead and it’s time to step up. In the midst of the conversation, she comes upon a key which she discovers her father’s secret life. Was her dad just a businessman or was something more? Laura eventually discovers the origin of her dad’s final voyage which takes her to Hong Kong and face to face with the answers surrounding his disappearance.

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Walton Goggins was a terrible choice to play the villain Vogel. His performance was so generic and offered to a narrative which at best can be described as rote. It’s as if they wrote Vogel to ensure Tomb Raider didn’t offend anyone. Why am I suppose to hate this guy? Dworet made Goggins character so generic it was a struggle to understand his purpose in the grand scheme of the film.

George Richmond’s shot selection appeared to be done with the purpose of imitating some of the action sequences from the video game. No creativity or ingenuity was shown in any of the shot selections during the film. It’s hard to believe the cinematography in an action film could be this boring, but Tomb Raider proves it can. Junkie XL’s score was loud and at times piercing and didn’t seem to go with what was unfolding on screen. At times the audience would begin to become engaged, but the score would kick in causing everyone to snap out of it.

Roar Uthaug demonstrates his lack of experience in allowing scenes to drag needlessly on for what felt like an eternity. Do we need sequence after sequence of Vogel’s hired gunmen brutalizing their workers? Did the scene between Goggins and Vikander’s character in the tent need to be six minutes long? The most important part of an action film is the action! If the action is on point and the narrative is plausible, then the audience leaves exceptionally pleased. Unfortunately, Tomb Raider is yet another example of Hollywood trying to set up sequels while ignoring the quality of the original release.

Dewey Singleton - Film Critic
I'm a member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association and have been doing reviews for many years. My views on film are often heard in markets such as Atlanta, Houston, and satellite radio. My wife often tolerates my obsession for all things film related and two sons are at an age now where 'Trolls' is way cooler than dad. Follow me on twitter @mrsingleton.
tomb-raiderMy advice is to not subject yourself to this generic version of 'Tomb Raider'.