Review: 11 Reasons ‘The Flash’ #23 Will Convince You To Keep Running With This Series

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As his friends celebrate his birthday, Barry Allen, A.K.A. The Flash, can’t shake off the mystery behind the death of his greatest enemy Eboard Thawne, The Reverse-Flash. Even an appearance by his friend and fellow superhero Hal Jordan (one of Earth’s Green Lanterns) isn’t able to draw The Flash from his thoughts. The sudden appearance supervillain Multiplex forces The Flash and Green Lantern to team up in order to save the gathered crowd, and perhaps give Barry Allen the jolt he needs to push him out of his own head. But as our heroes fight, Thawne’s corpse is doing something strange back at the morgue in S.T.A.R. Labs.

The Flash #23The Flash #23
“The Color of Fear’ Part 1
Written by: Joshua Williamson
Art by: Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colors by: Ivan Plascencia
Lettered by: Steve Wands
Published by: DC Comics

After the high-profile crossover of ‘The Button’, The Flash settles into its own, new storyline (though it is dealing with the fallout of ‘The Button’). This issue felt like classic Geoff Johns era Flash, with its reliance on the great supporting cast, cameos from other heroes, and sudden, violent attacks by a member of the Rogues. It has great pacing, action, and one hell of a reveal/cliffhanger ending that leaves you wanting the next issue now. Read on for 11 reasons you should run, not walk, to your local comic shop and pick up The Flash #23 this week!The Flash #23

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  1. That 25th Century opening scene at The Flash Museum. A visit to the museum (especially in THIS future we see) is both telling and fun.
  2. “Eboard Thawne The Reverse-Flash, A.K.A. Professor Zoom. He was many things to many people, but to the The Flash he was…a partner, an ally…, his best friend”. Seriously?! WTF?!
  3. The party scene where Joshua Williamson captures the personalities to the huge supporting cast Flash fans knows so well.
  4. Carmine Di Giandomencio’s  clean, crisp and sleek art. It’s perfect for The Flash, modern and streamlined.
  5. Ivan Plascencia’s colors give the pencils so much energy, pop and “heat”. The art team put together really creates a sense of movement here.
  6. Subtle word balloon and narration box placing by letterer Steve Wands that emphasizes when Barry’s thoughts are overwhelming him and causing him to ignore what is being said about him.
  7. The way Thawne, though dead, is still such a looming, terrifying and haunting figure for Barry. His corpse is also so damn eerie.
  8. Always gotta love seeing Hal Jordan and Barry Allen team up. Their powers in tandem…talking about relationships in the middle of a battle. It’s also so good. Bring on more Lantern and Flash!
  9. Great idea on the use of more obscure and cult Rogue Multiplex. He really comes across as unstable and creepy.
  10. The HUGE swarm of Multiplex multiples attacking Green Lantern and The Flash is genuinely frightening, powerful and just plain cool.
  11. That ending. “There is only one Reverse-Flash.”The Flash #23

If you haven’t been reading The Flash, now is a GREAT time to start. Joshua Williamson is building something here, the Rebirth origin of The Reverse-Flash! And something tells me it will be a Scarlet Speedster story for the ages. On your marks, get set, GO read this book!

Manuel Gomez
Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!
review-rebirth-flash-23Joins the relay race of GREAT runs on 'The Flash'!